AT + Me - Communication devices

Stories about how people use communication devices to find their voice and speak their mind. Everything from a custom made PECS book (Picture Exchange Communication System) through to a complex eye gaze setup. The communication devices are only one aspect of each AT + Me star's assistive technology journey, so delve into their world as they tell you how they use AT to live, play, work.

Shane Agnew

Shane is a computer design business owner, public speaker, avid fisherman, custom AT designer and most importantly husband and father.

AT featured in Shane's story

  • SmartNav 4 AT
  • Eye gaze Tobii Dynavox
  • Sip/Puff Breeze with Headset
  • Frontier V6 Wheelchair


Sophie Maddrell

Sophie is an entrepreneur, an adrenaline junkie and a huge Disney fan! Sophie and her best friend Ryan take us through the variety of AT they use to communicate and organise their days.

AT featured in Sophie's story

  • LAMP - Language Acquistion through Motor Planning App
  • PECS Book - Picture Exchange Communication System

Joey Harrall

Joey Harrall is an expert AT user who uses a head array system to drive his wheelchair and to control his AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) and integrated devices.

AT featured in Joey's story

  • Quantum Q6 Edge 2.0 Wheelchair
  • Accent 1440
  • Jellybean switch for head array


Peter Hall

Peter is an active scout, intrepid traveler, self confessed 'rev-head' and former youth politician.

AT featured in Peter's story

  • PODD - Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display
  • Dragon NaturallySpeaking
  • Jabra Pro 9470 Headset
  • 5 Speed off-road midwheel wheelchair

Nick Passanisi

Nick shows us the assistive technology he uses to help him get on with the job of running his successful consultancy Another Angle.

AT featured in Nick's story

  • Dolphin Easy Reader (Text to speech software)
  • Livescribe Smart Pen
  • Bluetooth headset
  • 5 speed off-road Frontier V6 midwheel wheelchair