Self-advocacy supports assistive technology (AT) choice and control

Co-designed with Nerine Williams

A young lady stands smiling as she brings her smart watch up to towards her face to read it. A speech bubble is in the background with the words, Why self-advocacy is important for assistive technology (AT) users.


Nerine says that “The right assistive technology (AT) is something to be celebrated, it's a tool that can give independence and freedom and can change our lives".

We agree! Whilst acknowledging that for some, the journey to acquiring the right piece of AT can be challenging. This is where self-advocacy comes in, self-advocacy support AT choice and control. 

Listed below are a series of articles and resources co-designed with Nerine where she shares her lived experience, along with the tools and strategies she uses to ensure the AT she purchases makes her happy and is functional; it helps her get on with living her life. Our hope is that they also help you achieve the goals you have set for yourself. 


A lady stand smiling as she holds her folded rollatorWhat is self-advocacy, and why is it important to AT users?: This article identifies why self-advocacy is important to AT users and some of the potential barriers to people self-advocating for the AT of their choice. 

Accessing AT from rural and remote areas: Nerine shares some of the barriers she faced choosing a new piece of AT whilst living in regional WA and how she met these challenges to purchase her new sleek rollator. 



Comparing assistive technology (AT) - A tool to assist with self-advocacy and AT decision makingComparing assistive technology (AT) - A tool to assist with self-advocacy and AT decision making: In her article ‘Accessing AT from rural and remote areas’, Nerine discusses comparing examples of rollators, and how that process assisted her in self-advocating and choosing her new rollator. The table linked below shows the criteria she considered when comparing the different models.

Comparing assistive technology (AT) - A tool to assist with self-advocacy and AT decision-making. (Word version) 

Comparing assistive technology (AT) - A tool to assist with self-advocacy and AT decision-making. (PDF version)

Template for 'Comparing assistive technology (AT) - A tool to assist with self-advocacy and AT decision-making': A useful tool to help you have choice and control over your next AT purchase. 

Comparing assistive technology (AT) TEMPLATE - A tool to assist with self-advocacy and AT decision-making. (Word Document) 

Comparing assistive technology (AT) TEMPLATE - A tool to assist with self-advocacy and AT decision-making. (PDF Document) 

A Guide to self-advocacy 10 steps to help you choose the right ATA guide to self-advocacy - 10 steps to help you select the right AT: Nerine shares the steps she uses to self-advocate for AT of her choosing. From helping you to identify what you wish to achieve to researching, trialing, and choosing the AT solution that is right for you.

A guide to self-advocacy - 10 steps to help you select the right AT. (Word version)

A guide to self-advocacy - 10 steps to help you select the right AT. (PDF version)


A seated man holds and points to a carboard speech bubble with the words, Assistive technologyu equals more than one form of help. Beside the image are the words, Request and AT Mentor for help on your AT journey.If you would like personalised support to find and purchase AT to meet your needs using your NDIS funds, follow this link to learn about our AT Mentor Service.